AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting) is a popular boosting algorithm that combines multiple weak classifiers to create a strong classifier.
The algorithm works by iteratively adjusting the weights of the training instances and focusing more on the misclassified instances in each iteration using a weighted sampled distribution.
Assume we have some data \(\{(x_{i}, y_{i} )\}_{i=1}^{n}\) with $y_{i}$ being a binary column $\in {-1, 1}$.
Initialize the weights of the training instances:
$w_i^{(1)} = \frac{1}{n}$ for $i = 1, \dots, n$
For each iteration from 1 to $t$:
a. Train a decision tree classifier $h_t(x_i)$ on the training data with weights $w_i^{(t)}$.
đź’ˇ The Gini index is being used to decide which feature will produce the best split to create the stump tree. The Gini index formula is $G = \sum_{i=1}^J p_i (1 - p_i)$ where $J$ is the number of classes, and $p_i$ is the proportion of instances with class $i$ in the current node.
Note: Each weak classifier should be trained on a random subset of the total training set. AdaBoost assigns a “weight” (i.e. weighted sampling method ) to each training example, which determines the probability that each example should appear in the training set.
đź’ˇ AdaBoost makes super small decision trees (i.e. stumps ).
b. Calculate the error of the weak classifier:
$\epsilon_t = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i^{(t)} I(y_i \neq h_t(x_i))$
đź’ˇ The error term above basically sums up the weights of the misclassified examples which is being used in the formula c. to calculate the weight of the classifier $h_{t}(x_{i})$.
c. Calculate the weight of the weak classifier $h_t(x)$:
$\alpha_t = \frac{1}{2} \ln(\frac{1 - \epsilon_t}{\epsilon_t})$
đź’ˇ This is just a straightforward calculation replacing $\epsilon_{t}$ from formula b. above.
Here is the graph of $\alpha$ looks for different error rates $ln(\frac{1 - \epsilon}{\epsilon})$
d. Update the weights of the training instances :
$w_i^{(t+1)} = \frac{w_i^{(t)} e^{-\alpha_t y_i h_t(x_i)}}{Z_{t}}$
, where $Z_t$ is a normalization factor → $Z_t = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i^{(t)} e^{-\alpha_t y_i h_t(x_i)}$
đź’ˇ In the original paper, the weights $w_{i}$ are described as a distribution. To make it a distribution, all of these probabilities should add up to 1. To ensure this, we normalize the weights by dividing each of them by the sum of all the weights, $Z_t$.
This just means that each weight $w_{i}$ represents the probability that training example $i$ will be selected as part of the training set.
Also, $y_i$ is the correct output for the training example $i$, and $h_t(x_i)$ is the predicted output by classifier $t$ on this training example.
If the predicted and actual output agrees -> $y*h(x)$ will always be +1 (either $1*1$ or $(-1)* (-1)$).
If the predicted and actual output disagrees -> $y * h(x)$ will be negative.
Output the final strong classifier:
$H(x) = \text{sign}\left(\sum_{t=1}^T \alpha_t h_t(x)\right)$
đź’ˇ The final classifier consists of $T$ weak classifiers:
$h_t(x)$ is the output of weak classifier $t$.
Note: In the paper, the outputs are limited to -1 or +1.
$\alpha_t$ is the weight applied to classifier $t$ as determined by AdaBoost in step c .
As a result, the final output is just a linear combination of all of the weak classifiers , and then we make our final decision simply by looking at the sign of this sum.